*** I meant to post this before I went back to the hospital but didn't get a chance to so it's abit outdated. I'm gonna post it anyway but look for another post very soon.***
I can't believe I've been here for more than a month now. So much has happened already that I can't imagine what the rest of the year will be like. Here are some highlights of whats happened so far.
On my way down South I had a layover in Los Angeles and got to visit three of my best friends in the entire world. While I only got to spend about 5 hours with these guys, they made it worth the while and I can't wait to see everyone again.
Shortly after I arrived in Montevideo I was informed that Carnaval was happening the next week and that everything would be closed. When I asked what there was to do in Montevideo I was surprised to hear that the answerwas "Nada." Apparently everyone packs up and leaves so I decided to follow suit and took a trip to the beach in Punta del Este. I found a nice hostel with great people from Australia to Chile to Slovenia and spent the next several days by the beach or the pool (with the exception of the day that it rained for 12 hours and flooded parts of the hostel.).
When I returned to Montevideo I immediately began searching for an apartement. I soon realized how difficult this process actually was going to be. In order to rent an apartment here you either have to put down as collateral a property you already own or pay a 6-month deposit. Not having the former I was stuck tying up a couple thousand dollars in order to get my apartment. Nevertheless I got a pretty good deal and I really like my apartment. If you should come to visit I even have an extra mattress for you.
More photos of my apartment
Rotary was quick to welcome me to their country. Shortly I got back from my mini vacation I went to my first Rotary meeting with my host counselor Hector Ferreira. It was a small club with about 10-12 Rotarians present and was much less formal than the meetings I had attended in the U.S. before I left. They served a delicious lunch, taught me a few great jokes and by the end of the meeting we were sitting around an out-of-tune piano singing classic bossa nova songs. All I can say is that I wish I had my camera.
I have also started classes and a project with my professor Valentin Picasso. For the time being I only have one class on Wednesdays (which is good because it's an hour bus ride to campus). I should start another two in April and will be doing some independent projects as well.
I guess that's about all that's happened so far....oh wait! I had to have my appendix removed. Ha! Almost forgot. Here's a picture of me in my lovely gown just before I went to have surgery. Basically I began to have pains really deep down in my stomach and after taking a couple different pain medications the pain only grew worse. I finally went to the hospital on Monday, they took out my appendix on Wednesday and by Friday I was out of the hospital. I have to say that I really love technology because instead of slicing me open and having a look inside they were able to do the entire operation with a camera making only three small incision. I had a total of seven stitches which were taken out yesterday and I would say I am about 95% back to normal.
So needless to say it's been an exciting month and I can't believe I have just short of eleven months left. If things keep going the way they are I am in for an exciting year and I hope to keep you all abreast to what is going on.
That's all for now. Keep in touch and I'll do the same.